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In more details: Why a Curriculum on Resilient and Secure Cyber Physical Systems

See the leaflet of the curriculum "Resilient and Secure Cyber Physical Systems":

Leaflet presenting the curriculum. 


See also the slides presenting the motivations for the Curriculum and its main facts:

See the pdf of the presentation "Resilient and Secure Cyber Physical Systems: Matching the Present and the Future!" held by Prof. Andrea Bondavalli on the 11 July 2017 ...


... and all the videos included in the presentation!


Slide 8 - Internet of Things explained simply


Slide 11 - The Future of Driverless Cars



Slide 15 - 'Ariane 5' Rocket first launch failure


Slide 16 - Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It


Slide 17- Ransomware 'WannaCry' attack explained





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