Inbound activities
The Master Degree in Computer Science participates to activities organized by the University of Florence and the School of Mathematical, Physics and Natural Science.
A specific orientation day is also organized for the degree course: the last edition was held on 28 June 2022.
Interested Students should contact the delegates for student orientation: Prof. Lorenzo Bettini, Prof.ssa M. Cecilia Verri .
Professional practices after the M.Sc.
To make students aware of the reference scenario in the corporate sector, the delegates put in contact the graduates, under their consent, with institutions and companies looking for new staff.
To accurately identify the possible professional practices offered by the two curricula, please refer to their presentation web pages i.e., Data Science and Resilient and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems.
This section identifies the instruments offered by the University of Florence to facilitate contacts between Students and Companies. For example, these contacts may include match-making events organized by the University and with the involvement of local companies.
These activities are implemented in collaboration with the Job Orientation and Placement (OJP) service.
Delegate: Prof. Lorenzo Bettini, Prof. Paolo Lollini